"A skillful and effective road movie at the intersection of 28 Days Later and The Road...
a great surprise sure to delight alternative zombie movie fans."
- Olivier Lehmann, Ecran Fantastique
- オルリヴィエ・レマン、Ecran Fantastique 誌
"An American director, of all people, dares shoot the overdue reckoning with a genre... a surprisingly serious and slowed-down armageddon of the undead, in which our alpha girl in school uniform gets lost step by step in a metaphysical dream world... Good movie."
「とあるアメリカ人の監督が、このジャンルとの未知なる世界へ挑む… 制服姿の少女がまるで幻想的な夢の世界で徐々に迷い込んでいく。驚くほどシリアスで雰囲気に満ちたアンデッドの最終戦争…いい映画だ。」
- Alexander Karenovics, Manifest - Das Filmmagazin
- アレクサンダー・カレノヴィチ、マニフェスト - Das Filmmagazin 誌
“Although Japan has gotten us used to surreal narrative delirium, SCHOOLGIRL APOCALYPSE will surprise many with its atmospheric, almost contemplative post-apocalyptic story filled with strange animated scenes inspired by the English workbooks of our youth. Japan-based American director and screenwriter John Cairns offers a variation on the zombie theme with a “coming of age” flavour, superbly committed to film by contrasting the beauty of the Japanese countryside with human structures in a state of decay. SCHOOLGIRL APOCALYPSE’s mix of the realistic and the fantastic works perfectly, right up to the jaw-dropping finale.”
- Nicolas Archambault, Fantasia
- ニコラ・アルシャンボー、ファンタジア国際映画祭